Andrianov A., Andrianov V. (V.A.Fock Dept. of Physics, St.- Petersburg State Univ.) and Giacconi P., Soldati R. (Bologna Univ., INFN, Italy) – Brane world generation by matter and gravity.
Anisovich V., Sarantsev A., (PNPI) - Hadron spectroscopy.
Antonov E., Lipatov L.N. (PNPI), Cherednikov I., Kuraev E.A. (JINR, Dubna) – Effective field theory for high energy processes in QCD.
Azimov Ya.(PNPI) - Title to be announced.
Braun V. (Regensburg Univ.,Germany) – Baryon form factors in QCD.
Burlankov D.E. (Nizhnij Novgorod Univ.) - Dynamics of space.
Diakonov D. (PNPI) – Yang-Mills theory in terms of dual gauge invariant variables.
Dorokhov A. (JINR, Dubna) – Meson distribution amplitudes within instanton vacuum model.
Fadin V. (INP, Novosibirsk) – QCD amplitudes and the multi-Regge kinematics.
Frederiks D., Palshin V. (PTI, St.Petersburg) - Recent observations of X-ray bursts in neutron stars. Giant flare of SGR 1806-20.
Gnedin Yu. (GAO, Pulkovo, St.Petersburg) - Astronomy and particle physics: new results of mutual interaction.
Gvozdev A. - Possible nature of a Giant Flare in Magnetars. SGR 1806-20 as example.
Harigel G. (CERN, Switzerland)- - Title to be announced. Karpeshin F. (PSU, St.Petersburg) - Time irreversa correlations in muon capture.
Kim V.(PNPI) - Higgs production in diffractive processes at LHC.
Kotikov A.(JINR, Dubna) - Calculation of complicated Feynman diagrams.
Kudryavtsev V. (PNPI) - New symmetries and tree level unitarity in composite superstring model.
Kuraev E, Bystritsky Yu. (JINR, Dubna) - Role of two- photon exchange amplitudes in elastic electron proton scattering and cross-processes for the case of polarized and unpolarized particles.
Kuznezov A.V. (Yaroslavl University) - Neutrino propagation in magnetized plazma.
Likhoded A. (IHEP, Moscow) – Heavy quarkonium production.
Lipatov L. (PNPI), Bartels J., Peters K. (DESY, Hamburg) – Pomeron in the electroweak theory.
Lipatov L., Onishchenko A., Velizhanin V. (PNPI), Kotikov A. (JINR, Dubna) - Pomeron, graviton and ADS/CFT correspondence.
Nikolaev N.(Inst.Kernphysik, Juelich, Germany) – Factorization theorems for nuclear QCD.
Pivovarov G. (INR, Moscow) - Higher derivatives in Minkowksi and ultraviolet behavior of phi^4.
Saleev V. (Samara Univ.) - Heavy quarkonium production in the Regge limit of the nonrelativistic QCD.
Shabelsky Yu. (PNPI) - String junction and baryon charge.
Shaginyan V. (PNPI) - Electron systems with fermion condensate.
Shimansky S. (JINR, Dubna) - Cumulative processes: current status and outlooks.
Suslov I.(Inst.Phys.Problems, Moscow) - Gell-Mann - Low function in the \phi^4 theory, QED and QCD for arbitrary coupling constant obtained by summation of perturbation series.
Teryaev O. (JINR, Dubna) - QCD evolution and density matrix positivity.
Tchuvilsky Yu. (SINP MSU, Moscow) - Pseudo-PT-noninvariant effect and search for parity violation in angular distributions of unpolarized particles.
Vanyashin V. (Dnepropetrovsk Univ.) - Forty years of the “Polarization of a charged vector field vacuum”.
Volkov G., Lipatov L., Velizhanin V. (PNPI), Sabio- Vera A. (ITP, Hamburg, Germany) - Geometric and algebraic structure of the Calabi - Yau spaces.
Yakovlev D. (PTI, St.Petersburg) - Strange stars.
Nikitin V. (JINR, Dubna) – Highlights of particle physics in 2005.