Gordeev V., Gorelkin V. – Opening of mSR-seminar.
Koptev V. (PNPI RAS) - mSR - investigations in PNPI in 2005 year.
Smilga V. (SRC KI, Moscow) - mSR in medicine and biology.
Polischuk I. - Low temperature breakdown of coherent tunneling in amorphous solids by the nuclear quadrupole interaction.
Ralchenko V. (GPI RAS) - CVD synthesis of diamond: technique, properties and applications.
Mamedov T. (JINR, Dubna) - Behaviour of the acceptor impurity in man made single crystal diamond studied by polarized negative muon.
Zhukov V. (JINR, Dubna) - Experimental setup for investigation of acceptors in binary semiconducting compounds by mSR method.
Stoykov A. (PSI, Switzerland; JINR, Dubna) - Negative muon spin rotation study of acceptor centers in SiC.
Buga S.( “Tisnum”, Troitsk ) - Title will be specified later.
Gorelkin V. (MIPT, Moscow) - Estimation of exchange integral between acceptor centers in silicon from mSR experiments.
Baturin A. (MIPT, Moscow) - Mechanisms of muon spin relaxation in acceptor center in silicon under uniaxial stress.
Egorov V.(SRC KI, Moscow) - First attempt of visualization of Condon domains in silver and beryllium by micro Hall probes.
Mishchenko A. (AIST, Japan; SRC KI, Moscow) - Diagrammatic Monte Carlo as applied to polarons problem.
Bondarev I. (INP BSU, Minsk) - Excitonic photoluminescence in semiconductor quantum well heterostructures.
Belousov Yu. (MIPT, Moscow) - Relaxation of muonium in solid helium -3.
Suleimanov N. (ZPhTI KSC RAS, Kazan) - What can muSR do for fuel cells?
Senba M. (Dalhousie University, Êàíàäà) - Spin Exchange of Muonium States in Semiconductors: Progress Report.
Prokscha T. (PSI, Øâåéöàðèÿ) - Energy dependence of Mu formation in insulators and semiconductors.
Soloviev V. (MIPT, Moscow) - Computer simulation of recombination processes in muon track at external electric fields.
Emil Roduner (University of Stuttgart, Germany) - Positive muons as probes of soft matter.
Prokscha T. (PSI, Øâåéöàðèÿ) - Status of the Low-Energy Muon Project at PSI and Overview of Experimental Program.
Manko V.(PI RAS, Moscow) - Bell’s inequality and mSR.
Belousov Yu. (MIPT, Dolgoprudnyj) - mSR – investigation of nanostructures.
Mamedov T. (JINR, Dubna) - The magnetic moment of the negative muon bounded in 1S-level revisited: the new measurement for medium-heavy nuclear.
Duginov V. (JINR, Dubna) - Investigation of ferro-liquids by mSR-method (Title will be specified).
Storchak V. (SRC KI, Moscow) - Studies of diluted magnetic semiconductors via mSR.
Gorelkin V. (MIPT, Moscow) - Closing remarks