Main physics results obtained with the participation of EPPL physicists
See also PNPI HEPD Report:
PNPI HEPD 1971-1996,
PNPI HEPD 1997-2001,
PNPI HEPD 2002-2006,
PNPI HEPD 2007-2012,
PNPI 2010-2013,
PNPI 2014,
PNPI 2015,
PNPI 2016,
PNPI 2019,
PNPI HEPD 2013-2018,
ÏÈßÔ ÎÔÂÝ 2018-2022
- Proton diffraction scattering on nuclei and nuclear matter distributions.
- Small-angle diffraction scattering of hadrons on the lightest nuclei.
- Study of nuclear structure with quasielastic proton scattering at 1 GeV.
- Muon catalized dd- and dt-fusion.
- Ternary fission.
- Diffraction scattering of high energy hadrons.
- Study of rare hyperon decays.
- Participation in the L3 experiment.
- Precision measurement of the nuclear muon capture by 3He.
- Meson spectroscopy.
- Experiment SPES-4p.
- Experiment D0.
- Experiment MuCap.
- Investigation of the nuclear matter distributions in exotic nuclei by small-angle proton elastic scattering in inverse kinematics.
- Participation in the experiments LHCb and CMS at the Large Hadron Collider.
More see in file ( eppl_1963-2020_eng.pdf)
or ( eppl_1963-2020_eng.doc)