Abstract - Established limits resolution and bias estimation coordinates ionization track proportional chamber, designed for the new IKAR, taking into account only the electronic noise.
1. Introduction
The proportional chamber, a cathode, which is divided into strips, the track is determined by the coordinate of the position of the center of gravity of the distribution of the induced current. The natural desire to increase the width of the strips to reduce the number of recording channels is limited to the permissible nonlinearity. The level of noise electronics, largely affecting the spatial resolution, has its limits. That is why the purpose of this study was to identify strip signal processing capabilities in order to obtain the best resolution and minimum coordinates nonlinearity assessment track. There are many references to the works, which address certain issues with cameras cathode readout. However, among them a lot of garbage. That is why it was decided to set out and fix our ideas on these issues.
2. Design, induced currents and capacitive camera model
Figure 1 shows a fragment of the camera, the characteristics of which are used in the calculations.
Detailed description see here: Icar16_V2e_report.pdf