(M-Music hall; C-Cinema hall) Monday, February 14 15:00-15:10 M Opening of the School 15:10-16:00 M Gnedin Yu.N. (GAO, Pulkovo, St.Petersburg) - Dark matter problem for the Universe and physics of elementary particles. 16:10-17:00 M Chernin A.D. (MSU, Moscow) - Cosmology: dark sector. 17:10-18:00 M Shibanov Yu.A. (PTI, St.Petersburg) - Neutron stars and their observations. 18:10-19:00 M Yakovlev D.G., Gusakov M.E., Levenfish (PTI, St.Petersburg) - Non-equilibrium weak interaction processes in neutron stars. Tuesday, February 15 Morning session 9:30-10:20 M Petrov Yu.V. (PNPI) - Oklo reactor and cosmological change of fine structure constant. 10:30-11:20 M Pervushin V.N. (JINR, Dubna) - Quantum cosmological origin of universes. 11:30-12:00 M Zakharov V.I. (MPI,Muenich) - Confinement after 30 years. 12:30-13:20 M Marshakov A.V. (Lebedev Inst., ITEP, Moscow)- Geometry of matrix models and AdS/CFT correspondence. Evening session 15:00-15:50 M Sadler M.F. (Abilene Christian Univ., USA) - Pion-nucleon partial-wave analysis in the N^*(1440) resonance region. C Lipatov L.N.(PNPI) - Solution of Balitsky- Kovchegov equation in three-dimensional Yang-Mills theory 16:00-16:50 M Baranov V.A., Kuchinsky N.A. (JINR, Dubna) - PIBETA spectrometer and pion beta-decay measurements. C Zakharov V.I. (MPI, Muenich) - Lattice strings. 17:00-17:50 M Tsinoev V.G. (RNC KI, Moscow) - Search for the right currents in electron capture by polarized nuclei. C Onishchenko A.I. (PNPI) - Integrability in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. 18:00-18:50 C Belavin A.A. (ITP, Chernogolovka, Moscow) - Minimal Liouville gravitation Wednesday, February 16 Morning session 9:30-10:20 M Sarantsev A.V. (PNPI) - Tensor glueboll. 10:30-11:20 M Petrov V.Yu. (PNPI) - Exotics of hadron spectrum. Pentaquark states. 11:30-12:20 M Anisovich A.V.(PNPI) - New baryon resonances in gamma-p reactions. 12:30-13:20 M Kim V.T. (PNPI) - Higgs production via single-Pomeron exchange at LHC. Evening session 15.00-15.50 M Tchuvil'sky Yu.M. (SINP, MSU, Moscow) - Multicluster states in nuclei and alpha- particle condensation. C Danilov G.S., Lipatov L.N. - BFKL-pomeron in the string model. 16:00-16:50 M Mitropolsky I.A. (PNPI) - The nuclear isomer phenomenon and possibilities of its practical application. C Yung A.V. (PNPI) - Non-Abelian strings strings and confinement models. 17:00-17:50 M Voronin V.V. (PNPI) - Effects of neutron spin rotation in a noncentrosymmetric crystal. C Pobylitsa P.V. (PNPI, Ruhr Univ., Bohum) - Baryon wave function at large N_c. 18:00-18:50 M Isakov V.I. (PNPI) - Isospin dependence of the mean nuclear spin-orbit field. C Kudryavtsev V.A.(PNPI) - Minimal composite superstring model: new symmetries, critical intercept and dimension. Thursday, February 17 Morning session 9:30-10:20 M Serebrov A.P. (PNPI) - Precise measurement of neutron lifetime with gravitational trap of ultracold neutrons. 10:30-11:20 M Furman V.I. (JINR, Dubna) - A progress in preparation of the experiment for direct measurement of neutron-neutron scattering at YAGUAR reastor in Snezhinsk. C Ryskin M.G. (PNPI) - Simultaneous analysis of diffractive and inclusive DIS HERA data. 11:30-12:20 M Frank A.I. (JINR, Dubna) - Neutron diffraction on a moving grating as a non stationary quantum phenomenon. C Nikolaev N.N. (Inst. Kernphysik, Juelich, Germany) - pQCD description of nuclear collisions: farewell to k_perp-factorization. 12:30-13:20 M Gonnenwein F (Univ. of Tubingen, Germany) - Nuclear fission modes. C Jenkovszky L.L. (ITP, Kiev) - Generalized parton distributions, analicity and crossing. Evening session 15:00-15:50 M Serebrov A.P. (PNPI) - Problem of UCN anomalous loses and its solution. C Sabio Vera A. (ITP, Hamburg, Germany) - Towards NLO phenomenology in the Regge limit of QCD. 16:00-16:50 M Kadmensky S.G. (VSU, Voronezh) - Quantum and thermodynamical characteristics of nuclear fission. New point of view. C Fadin V.S. (INP, Novosibirsk) - Non-forward BFKL at NLO. 17:00-17:50 M Ignatovich V.K. (JINR, Dubna) - Contradictions of the quantum scattering theory. C Velizhanin V.N. (PNPI) - NLO BFKL and DGLAP equations in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. 18:00-18:50 C Kuraev E.A., Cherednikov I (JINR, Dubna), Antonov E.N, Lipatov L.N (PNPI) - Feynman diagrams for the effective field theory at high energies in QCD. Friday, February 18 Morning session 9:30-10:20 M Braun V.M. (Regensburg Univ., Germany) - B-meson distribution amplitude in QCD: facts and fancy. 10:30-11:20 M Nikitin V.A. (JINR, Dubna) - The first three years at RHIC. The overview.(30 min) 11:30-12:20 M Kokoulina E.S., Nikitin V.A.(JINR,Dubna) - Multiparticle prodaction study by Gluon Dominance Model. (20 min) 12:30-13:20 M Harigel Gert G. (CERN, Geneva) - Progress in U.S. National missile defense Evening session 15:00-15:50 M Khriplovich I.B. (INP, Novosibirsk) - Electric dipole moments at ion storage rings. C Kirschner R.(Leipzig Univ., Germany) - Symmetric reggeon interactions in perturbative QCD. 16:00-16:50 M Ezhov V.F. (PNPI)- EDM of electron and P-,T-violation in molecules. C Bartels J.W. (DESY, Germany) - Next-to-leading corrections to the virtual photon impact factor. 17:00-17:50 M Titov A.V., Mosyagin N.S., Petrov A.N., Isaev T.A. (PNPI) - Two-step method and calculation of P,T-parity violation effects in polar heavy-atom molecules. C Kotikov A.V. (JINR, Dubna), Zotov N.P. (MSU, Moscow) - The longitudional structure function F_L: perturbative QCD and k_t factorizattion versus experimental data at fixed W. 18:00-18:50 C Vacca G.P. (INFN, Italy) - Pomeron and odderon vertices in perturbative QCD. Saturday, February 19 Morning session 9:30-10:20 M Khriplovich I.B. (INP, Novosibirsk) - Quantization of the horizon, correspon- dence principle and holographic limit. 10:30-11:20 M Baryshevsky V.G. (INP, Minsk)- Spin rotation and spin dichroism of deuterons passed through nonpolarized target. 11:30-12:20 M Toporkov D.K. (INP, Novosibirsk) - Electron scattering by polarized deuteron. C Lipatov L.N., Volkov G., Velizhanin V.N. (PNPI),Sabio Vera A.(ITP,Hamburg,Germany) - Calabi-Yau spaces,applications and classification. 12:30-13:20 M Matyshev A.A. (SPbSTU, St.Petersburg) - Nobel prize in physics - 1905. C Lipatov L.N., Volkov G., Velizhanin V.N. (PNPI), Sabio Vera A.(ITP,Hamburg,Germany) - Continuation. Evening session 15:00-15:50 M Dzheparov F.S. (ITEP, Moscow) - Random walks in disordered media with dipole transport. C Bogdan A.V. (INP, Novosibirsk) - Proving the Regge form of amplitude for processes with quark. Ovanesyan G. (MPTI, Moscow) -Difference of epsilon_k values and value of the parameter B_k. 16:00-16:50 M Nasonov N.N., Zhukova P.(BSU, Belgorod) - Competition between contributions of bremsstrahlung and quasicherenkov radiation from relativistic electrons moving through a aligned crystal. C Bytev V. (JINR, Dubna) - Radiative corrections to chiral amplitudes in quasiperipherical kinematics. Bystritsky Yu. (JINR, Dubna) - Radiative corrections to pi e2 decay and search of tensor fields. Sunday, February 20 Morning session 10:00-10:50 M Lobashev V.M. (INR, Troitsk; PNPI) - Status of experiments on neutrino mass measurements. 11:00-11:50 M Gordeev V.A. (PNPI) - The MuSR-method investigations in physics and interdisciplinary sciences. 11:50-12:10 C Closing of the School