Baranov V.A., Kuchinsky N.A. (JINR, Dubna) - PIBETA spectrometer and pion beta-decay measurements. Baryshevsky V.G. (INP, Minsk)- Spin rotation and spin dichroism of deuterons passed through nonpolarized target. Chernin A.D. (MSU, Moscow) - Cosmology: dark sector. Dzheparov F.S. (ITEP, Moscow) - Random walks in disordered media with dipole transport. Ezhov V.F. (PNPI)- EDM of electron and P-,T-violation in molecules. Frank A.I. (JINR, Dubna) - Neutron diffraction on a moving grating as a non stationary quantum phenomenon. Furman V.I. (JINR, Dubna) - A progress in preparation of the experiment for direct measurement of neutron-neutron scattering at YAGUAR reastor in Snezhinsk. Gnedin Yu.N. (GAO, St.Petersburg)- Dark matter problem for the Universe and physics of elementary particles. Gonnenwein F (Univ. of Tubingen, Germany) - Nuclear fission modes. Gordeev V.A. (PNPI) - The MuSR-method investigations in physics and interdisciplinary sciences. Harigel Gert G. (CERN, Geneva) - Progress in U.S. National missile defense Ignatovich V.K. (JINR, Dubna) - Contradictions of the quantum scattering theory. Isakov V.I. (PNPI) - Isospin dependence of the mean nuclear spin-orbit field. Kadmensky S.G. (VSU, Voronezh) - Quantum and thermodynamical characteristics of nuclear fission. New point of view. Khriplovich I.B. (INP, Novosibirsk) - Electric dipole moments at ion storage rings. Lobashev V.M. (INR, Troitsk; PNPI) - Status of experiments on neutrino mass measurments. Matyshev A.A. (SPbSTU, St.Petersburg) - Nobel prize in physics - 1905. Mitropolsky I.A. (PNPI) - The nuclear isomer phenomenon and possibilities of its practical application. Nasonov N.N., Zhukova P.(BSU, Belgorod) - Competition between contributions of bremsstrahlung and quasicherenkov radiation from relativistic electrons moving through a aligned crystal. Nikitin V.A. (JINR, Dubna) - The first three years at RHIC. The overview. Pervushin V.N. (JINR, Dubna) - Quantum cosmological origin of universes. Petrov V.Yu (PNPI)- Exotics of hadron spectrum. Pentaquark states. Petrov Yu.V. (PNPI) - Oklo reactor and cosmological change of fine structure constant. Sadler M.F. (Abilene Christian Univ., USA) - Pion-nucleon partial-wave analysis in the N^*(1440) resonance region. Sarantsev A.V. (PNPI) - Tensor glueboll. Shibanov Yu.A. (PTI, St.Petersburg) - Neutron stars and their observations. Serebrov A.P. (PNPI) - Precise measurement of neutron lifetime with gravitational trap of ultracold neutrons. Serebrov A.P. (PNPI) - Problem of UCN anomalous loses and its solution. Tchuvil'sky Yu.M. (SINP, MSU, Moscow) - Multicluster states in nuclei and alpha-particle condensation. Titov A.V., Mosyagin N.S., Petrov A.N., Isaev T.A. (PNPI) - Two-step method and calculation of P,T-parity violation effects in polar heavy-atom molecules. Toporkov D.K. (INP, Novosibirsk) - Electron scattering by polarized deuteron. Tsinoev V.G. (RNC KI, Moscow) - Search for the right currents in electron capture by polarized nuclei. Zakharov V.I. (MPI,Muenich) - Confinement after 30 years. Voronin V.V. (PNPI) - Effects of neutron spin rotation in a noncentrosymmetric crystal. Yakovlev D.G., Gusakov M.E., Levenfish (PTI, St.Petersburg) - Non-equilibrium weak interaction processes in neutron stars.