Annual Winter School

of St.Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute

27 mSR Seminar
(St.Petersburg, Repino, February 15 - 19, 2006)

Organizing Committee
Gorelkin Vladimir N. (MIPT, Moscow) - Chair
Baturin Andrew S. (MIPT, Moscow) - Secretary
Belousov Yuri M. (MIPT, Moscow)
Gordeev Victor A. (PNPI RAS, Gatchina)
Mamedov Tair N. (JINR, Dubna)

Program Committee
Gorelkin Vladimir N. (MIPT, Moscow) - Chair
Zhukov Vasily A. (JINR, Dubna)
Kagan Yuri M. (SRC KI, Moscow)
Koptev Vladimir P. (PNPI RAS, Gatchina)
Kuten Semen A. (INP BSU, Minsk)
Smilga Voldemar P. (SRC KI, Moscow)

February 15 (Wednesday)
10:00 – 12:30
Participants registration

13:00 – 15:00                            

15:00 Opening of PNPI Winter School

16:00 – 18:00 
1.V.A. Gordeev, V.A.Gorelkin
Opening of mSR-seminar.

2. V.P. Koptev (PNPI RAS)
mSR – investigations in PNPI in 2005 year.

3. V.P. Smilga  (SRC KI, Moscow)
mSR in medicine and biology

4. I.Ya. Polischuk
Low temperature breakdown of coherent tunneling in 
amorphous solids by the nuclear quadrupole interaction

20:00 – 21:00
Welcome party
February 16 (Thursday)

10:00 – 13:00

1. V.G. Ralchenko (GPI RAS)
CVD synthesis of diamond: technique, properties and 

2. T.N. Mamedov (JINR, Dubna)
Behaviour of the acceptor impurity in man made single 
crystal diamond studied by polarized negative muon

3. V.A. Zhukov (JINR, Dubna)
Experimental setup for investigation of acceptors in 
binary semiconducting compounds by mSR method.

4. A.V. Stoykov (PSI, Switzerland; JINR, Dubna)
Negative muon spin rotation study of acceptor centers in SiC

13:00 – 15:00                            

15:00 – 17:00 

5. S.G. Buga (“Tisnum”, Troitsk)
Title will be specified later

6. V.N Gorelkin (MIPT, Moscow) 
Estimation of exchange integral between acceptor centers 
in silicon from mSR experiments

7. A.S. Baturin (MIPT, Moscow)
Mechanisms of muon spin relaxation in acceptor center 
in silicon under uniaxial stress

8. V.S. Egorov (SRC KI, Moscow)
First attempt of visualization of Condon domains in 
silver and beryllium by micro Hall probes

February 17 (Friday)

10:00 – 13:00

1. A.S. Mischenko (AIST, Japan; SRC KI, Moscow) 
Diagrammatic Monte Carlo as applied to polarons problem.

2. I.V. Bondarev (INP BSU, Minsk)
Excitonic photoluminescence in semiconductor quantum well 

3. Yu.M. Belousov (MIPT, Moscow)
Relaxation of muonium in solid helium -3

4. N. Suleymanov (ZPhTI KSC RAS, Kazan)
What can muSR do for fuel cells?

13:00 – 15:00                            

1500 – 1700 

5. M. Senba (Dalhousie University, Êàíàäà)
Spin Exchange of Muonium States in Semiconductors: Progress Report

6. T. Prokscha (PSI, Øâåéöàðèÿ)
Energy dependence of Mu formation in insulators and semiconductors

7. V.R. Soloviev (MIPT, Moscow)
Computer simulation of recombination processes in muon 
track at external electric fields

February 18 (Saturday)

10:00 – 13:00

1. Emil Roduner (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Positive muons as probes of soft matter.

2. T. Prokscha (PSI, Øâåéöàðèÿ)
Status of the Low-Energy Muon Project at PSI and Overview of 
Experimental Program

3. V.I. Manko (PI RAS, Moscow)
Bell’s inequality and mSR.

4. Yu.M. Belousov (MIPT, Dolgoprudnyj)
mSR – investigation of nanostructures

13:00 – 15:00                            

15:00 – 17:00 

5. T.N.Mamedov (JINR, Dubna)
The magnetic moment of the negative muon bounded in 
1S-level revisited: the new measurement for medium-heavy nuclear

6. V.N. Duginov (JINR, Dubna)
Investigation of ferro-liquids by mSR-method (Title will 
be specified)

7. V.G. Storchak (SRC KI, Moscow)
Studies of diluted magnetic semiconductors via mSR

19:00 – 21:00 Conference diner
February 19 (Sunday)

10:00 – 11:00

1. V.N. Gorelkin - Closing remarks

2. Official closing of the Seminar

12:00 Departure of participants
        Excursion to St. Petersburg