Program and time-table of the XXXVIII PNPI Winter School
Condensed State Physics session  -   CSP-2004

St.Petersburg, Repino,

February 29 - Mars 5, 2004

Sunday, February 29

Evening session

1500-1510 Opening of the CSP-2004 session
1510- 1640 Plakhty V.P. - (PNPI)
Chyrality in magnetism and not only in it
1700-1800 Grigor'ev S.V. - (PNPI)
Dynamical spin chirality in ferromagnets and polarized neutrons

Monday,  Mars 1
Morning session

930-1100 Gol'tsev A. V. - (PTI RAS, St.Petersburg)
Kondo-physics: metals with impurity, heavy fermions and one-electron transitions
1120-1250 Manakova L.A. - (RNC KI, Moscow)
Non-Fermi-Liquid states in heavy-fermion metals with f-impurities

Evening session

1500-1600 Gukasov A.G. - (LLB, France)
Local susceptibility and anisotropy in the polarized neutron diffraction
1610-1640 Bushmeleva S. N. - (JINR)
Structure of the lithium ortogermanates in the superionic state
1640-1710 Kozchevnikov S.V. - (JINR)
Spin-precession device for Spin Echo SANS instrument in the
 time-of-flight regime
1720-1750 Krivoschekov A. S. - (MPI UrD RAS)
 Electronic properties of the ordered compounds with heavy fermions
CeM2B2 (M = Cu, Ni, Pd; B = Si, Ge) è CeCu6

Tuesday, Mars 2
Morning session

930-1100 Ivanchev S.S. - (St.Petersburg filial of IC RAS)
Some problems of the chemistry in 21 centure
1120-1250 Kovalchuk M.V., Kvardakov V.V., - (RNC KI, Moscow)
Synchrotron and neutron scattering as complimentary methods in condensed matter. The first sinchrotron results in Kurchatov institute.

Evening session

1500-1600 Chernyshov D.Yu. - (Universitat Bern, Switzerland)
Structural and spin transitions in molecular crystals. Diffractional study and the Landau theory.
1610-1640 Gusev S. A. - (MPI RAS)
Development and investigation  of   properties  of 
the systems  with magnetic nanoparticles
1650-1720 Lebedev V.T.  - (PNPI)
 Nanjstructure of catalysts;  SANS-investigation of  welded jouints

Wednesday, Mars 3
Morning session

930-1130 Ginzburg S. L. - (PNPI)
Coherent resonance and irreversible phase transitions
1150-1250 Savitskaya N.E. - (PNPI)
Magnetic flux dynamics in the one-dimensional multicontact SQUID

Evening session

1500-1600 Belyaev S.P. - (PNPI)
 Termoelastic martensite transformations in alloys and shape memory effect in alloys under neutron radiation 
1610-1710 Grechishkin R.M., Koledov V.V., Krasnoperov E.P., Shavrov V.G. - (IR&E RAS, Moscow)
Structure transformations  and giant magneto-mechanical effects in Heisler alloys

1720-1820 Runov V.V. - (PNPI)
Functional materials: Ni2MnGa - physical properties and spin correlations

Thursday, Mars 4
Morning session

930-1100 Maleev S.V. - (PNPI)
Quantum criticality
1120-1250 Sokolov A.I. (SPbSETU "LETI", St.Petersburg)
Renormalization group in the theory of phase transition: how it works and it yields

Evening session

1500-1530 Pachnin D.V., Sokolov A.I. (SPbSETU "LETI", St.Petersburg)
Non-linear susceptibility of the weakly disordered Ising ferromagnet
in the critical range
1530-1600 Orlov E.V., Sokolov A.I. (SPbSETU "LETI", St.Petersburg)
The renormalization group and two-dimensional Ising model

1620-1650 Torok Gyula  - (RISSP, Hungary)
"Neutron Holography"
1650-1720 Ionov A.N. - (PTI RAS, St.Petersburg)
Conductivity of the thin polimer films

Friday,  Mars 5

Closing of the Session

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